Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Upcoming Focus on Breach of Warranty Theory

I have a great tool for this blog called "Google Analytics," and I check it fairly frequently to determine how many people come to the site and other useful information.  If you blog, I would highly recommend checking it out and incorporating it into your site.  (Not to worry, privacy enthusiasts...it does not tell me who you are or any identifying information).  However, the tool provides me with what key word searches lead people to the site, as well as a listing of the pages on the site that are most frequently reviewed by site visitors.   

Surprisingly, many, many people come to this blog as a result of key word searches relating to "breach of warranty" or some variation of that search term.  It is a recurring, daily key word search that brings people to the site, and this is somewhat surprising to me.  When I think of products liability law, I think of strict liability, negligent design, warnings, etc.  Although breach of warranty is an additional theory in this body of law, I find in my own practice that there is not as great of a focus on it and how it relates to defect.  Although it is frequently asserted as a theory of recovery, I generally find that practitioners focus more on negligence and strict liability, and breach of warranty is kind of thrown in purely to cover all the bases.

Well . . . "the people have spoken."  There is clearly an interest in breach of warranty law, as indicated by my google analytics data.  Therefore, I am going to try and start posting more in the future about it.  I am hesitant to say that this is the beginning of a "series" per se, but we will see what happens.  (Usually, when I do a "series" on this blog, it is because I have already conducted a substantial amount of research in the subject matter of the series, i.e., as part of an article for publication.  That is not the case here).  So look for more warranty case briefs and posts in the future.  I am going to try and make it a focus since I have not devoted many posts to this subject area in the past.

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